June 8, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 8

Posted by Mia at 7:49 PM

Mari was strollin’ at the mall that night, it was about 6:30 in the evening, when her mobile phone rang. It was a text message from Roger. And his message was, “Hi!! Gud eve.. I gave your number to Sir Yosef, he asked for it kasi eh!”.

Surprised with the message, Mari immediately replied, “Serious?!?! But why?! Why would he want to get my number?!”. She doesn’t want to believe Roger because she knew the guy!! Roger’s full of humor and he can’t be serious with things!

Her phone rang again containing another message from Roger that says, “Ewan! Maybe for a souvenir?! Joke! Basta, he asked for it, so I gave him what he asked for! Replyan mo nalang kasi if he’ll text you!”

Still doubting if what Roger said was true or not, she tried to ignore the thought and continued strolling as if no conversation between Roger and herself happened. But she can’t understand the upside-down feeling that she’s experiencing whenever she remembers Roger’s text. Part of her wishes that it was a joke and another part of her hopes that it was true.

It was around 8:30 in the evening, she was already in her bed, reading a pocket book that she bought at the mall earlier. Then her phone beeped. When she tried to take a glimpse on the phone’s screen, her heart jumped when she saw that the message was from an unknown number. She closed her eyes and said, “Oh my goodness” in a low voice. Her instinct tells her that it was Yosef. When she opened her eyes again, she confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming. Her fingers can’t move and her heart was beating so fast. After 5 minutes, she regained her courage and opened the text message.

The text message said, “Halu Mari, Yosef here..I got your number from Roger, is it okay with you?!”.

Her instincts were right. And a problem came into the picture. How the heck would she reply with his message?! Thinking that, good heavens, she’s going to reply to a former “boss”, she better watch her words. After almost ten minutes, she was able to form a reply. “Hi sir! How are you?! Yup, it’s fine with me. No problem with that!”, that was her reply, casual and not too formal.

“Hah! Would you drop the ’sir’?! It’s seems like you’re talking to a professor! Just call me Yosef or Sef, for short. Anyway, I’m fine. How about you?!”, Yosef replied, wanting to drop the superior-subordinate gap between them.

“Oh, okay! Sef.. I’m fine Sef.. enjoying the last days of summer! hehe…”, she replied, and she’s starting to become comfortable chatting with him again. Especially now that they are calling each other on a first name basis!

They exchanged texts for an hour or so. They talked about everything that they could talk about. Mostly, each other’s personal information. It’s like the other one is trying to get to know the other person. And in Mari’s perspective, it seems that Yosef is trying to please her. It was almost ten when they both said goodnight to each other.

Mari still can’t believe that it was Yosef who texted her. She felt like she was dreaming because for someone like her, he was like a distant star that she would never ever reach. But when everything sinked in, she smiled, stood up on her bed and jumped..and jumped.. and jumped, while trying to avoid any noise!! She was happy that Yosef spared some of his time to text with her. She can’t say that she’s in love with Yosef because it’s to early to say that! It’s more like of a crush that’s combined with longing. Definitely, she’s feeling and acting like a child again.

After the “goodnight text”, Yosef could not also believe what he did and what he said to Mari. It was the first time that he said some sugar-coated “hirit” to a girl. And he believes that his words were effective. He doesn’t know why, but deep inside him, he wanted to please Mari. He wants to get to know her and he wants her to get to know him. Despite her youth, she knows how to carry herself well. He knew she was someone who does not deserve to be fooled. She’s a lady that any man would want to bring home to their mom. And now he’s about to do something he did not planned.:)


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