June 2, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 2

Posted by Mia at 6:46 AM

On the other part of the city was Mari- a chubby, flabby, happy-go-lucky missy that’s proud to be NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth)! Her friends used to tease her that she’s the only one among the group who doesn’t have any suitor, or even a single admirer! But she didn’t care because she believes that: “Bahala’g last trip, basta front seat”! She’s very choosy when it comes to boys because she has a very mature but very ideal thoughts when it comes to engaging into a relationship. As much as possible, she wants the first to be the last! Having a group of friends who cares a lot, a family with a strong bond and a dozen of crushes are the reason why Mari remains to be happily single.

It was on her 18th birthday when she met John, a cadet from Baguio. John was a well-bred man. He possessed the ideal personality that Mari looks for in a guy. Sweet, thoughtful and mature thinking. But physically, he’s the opposite!! For Mari was looking for the tall, fair-skinned and chinky-eyed type of guy! (haha..). At first it was just a crush, then it bloomed to a young puppy love. That was the first time she “fell in love”; hence, the first time she felt and heard her heart beat towards a guy!

John befriended Mari and made attempts to get close. His moves made her think that he likes her. She waited for the guy to make a move for them to get closer, but unfortunately, he did nothing. Days passed and John went back to Baguio. Mari kept her feelings for John on her own, she studied so hard and made that feeling her inspiration. Until one day, she got a text message from a friend telling her that John is already committed to another girl, who also happens to be a friend. That was Mari’s first “broken heart”.

For two years, she prayed for her to get over from such feeling. And God answered her prayers. She was able to get over with John when she reached 20. She thought it’s time for her to think mature and go searching for “the one”. Again, she did the searching through prayers. Her usual lines when praying was: “Lord, please give me the one..the one who could love me for the rest of my life”. She was really traumatized by her first broken-heart and she does not want to experience pain anymore. By faith, she believed that God is going to give her what she’s asking for because she thought she deserves to be loved. But the question of “when” is something that Mari does not know..


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