June 16, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 14

Posted by Mia at 6:23 PM

Mari went on with her life without Yosef around her. She was able to finish college and have her license. These were the most precious and happiest moment in the past two years. But she knew she could be happier if Yosef was with her during those moments. Two years. . .She didn’t know how she survived two years without constant communication with Yosef. There are times when he tried to text her, but she chose to ignore him because she doesn’t want to get hurt and cry anymore. But it wasn’t easy on her part. . it wasn’t really easy.

After she got her license, she went job hunting. Fortunately, CPV and Associates was the first to give her the chance to practice her profession. On her first day, she still can’t believe that her former bosses are now her colleagues!

“Welcome to the club Mari!!”, Julia, the group’s ‘ate’, said heartily.

“Yeah!! Welcome at CPV and Associates!”, said Ella, Aira, Cindy and Leira in chorus.

“Thank You very much guys!!”, Mari replied, addressing her thank you to the rest of the staff.

“Mari, come here, this is going to be your table”, Julia said, leading her to her table for the rest of her stay at the firm. She was surprised because the table that she’s going to use is the same table that Yosef used to occupy! She didn’t know if it’s just co-incidence or they intentionally did that, but she believed it was just co-incidence because these people knew her status with Yosef.

It’s been two years since Yosef tried to ask for a space from Mari. At first, he was thankful for that but then he realized that what he asked for may be too painful for Mari. He took her for granted, yet she gave her what he wanted. He can’t blame her for ignoring his text messages because in the first place, this is all his fault. He started this crap and so he must suffer the consequences. He misses Mari so much, yet he does not know if he’s going to join Mari’s life once again. He’s guilty for causing her so much pain and he does not have the guts to come to her and tell her “Hi, can I be your boyfriend for the second time?!”. Though they didn’t really have that break-up, the silence between them seems to be an implication of a break-up.

The last thing that he heard about her was, she passed the board exam. Anything after that, he knows nothing about her anymore. He was stupid to let her go.

December came and it’s time for christmas parties!! For the first time, the firm had their christmas party at a comedy bar. The place and the performers were exclusively paid to perform for the firm, its staff and their guests. It has been the firm’s tradition to invite former staffs as their guests. And Mari was quite sure that Yosef would be there that night.

Before the party started, she’s now feeling some butterflies in her stomach. She can’t describe the feeling, thinking that she’s going to see Yosef for the first time in a long time. She can’t think logically on what she’s going to do if ever their paths are going to cross tonight.

At six in the evening, the party started, initiated by the hired comediannes. Yosef arrived late, as he planned. By the time that he arrived at the venue, the boys are almost done with their dance number. After the boys, it was the girls’ turn. And when the girls stood up and had their formation at the stage, he was shocked with what he saw. “Is it Mari?!?”, he asked himself mentally. When he tried to look closely, he was able to confirm it. Yes, it’s Mari. And he got so amazed on how gracefully Mari danced her way through-out the performance. That was the first time he saw her dance.

Mari was so nervous when she got up with the other girls on the stage. She didn’t knew if Yosef has arrived already because she didn’t attempted to look at, even a glimpse at the back portion of the place. But on instinct, when the music started, her body naturally moved on her own. She gave out all her best and she did not allow her nervousness to hinder the success of their show!

“Wow!! I never thought, she could perform like that!! And in all fairness, she had matured on how she moves and on how she looks”, he thought. He felt how much he missed Mari. He wanted to hug and kiss her after their performance, to congratulate her for a job well done. But how could he ever do that when they’re not in good terms?! They are so near, yet so far. Now he’s thinking that it’s now time to make a move and try to patch-up things with Mari.


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