June 11, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 10

Posted by Mia at 8:26 AM

“I think I’m falling.. I would want to be your man.. Think about it… Just tell me when you’re ready..”. Yosef’s words keep haunting Mari that night. She’s confused if she would give it a try with him or not. Then she fell asleep with those words in her mind. When she woke up the next morning, she was surprised to receive a text from Yosef that says, “Good Morning!! Have a nice day! Tc.. i love you!”. And that made her day!! She went to school with a light and happy feeling. And so with the following days. Receiving “i love you’s” from Yosef day and night made Mari “bloom”. Along with her blooming image is her blooming feelings for Yosef. She can’t identify which day was that when she admitted to herself that she’s totally in love with Yosef. And it’s a different kind of love. A love that’s much greater than what she felt for John.
The difference between the two is her answer when she tried to ask herself with the question, “Are you willing to accept the person, both his positive and negative traits?” With John, she doubt if she can because he’s perfect in her eyes. It would be so disappointing for her if John could commit any “conduct unbecoming”. But with Yosef, she can be sure that her answer is a big YES!

She was really in a state of dilemma as of the moment. And she knows where to run if such situations arise, in God’s abode. She went to church that afternoon to ask for healing and blessing. She asked for her illness’ healing and she asked for enlightenment to make the right decision. “Father, I humbly ask for your guidance and healing. Please give me a sign for my decision. If Yosef is meant for me, yet you won’t heal this affliction in me, then I pray that may you give him another girl that would cause him more happiness. . .”. Those were part of her prayers. She asked that if she will be healed, then she would say YES, but if not, better let Yosef go. She knew what she asked for was something stupid! But she was desperate at the moment. And whatever the result is, she is willing to accept that.

After exactly one week, she woke up with stomach cramps. It’s been almost two years since the last time she felt that. Still sleepy, she went to the comfort room to pee. But her sleepiness went astray when she saw a reddish liquid on her underwear! It’s blood!!! And if there is blood, it only means that she’s got menstruation! She is healed! ”Oh my God! Oh my God!! Is this the sign?!”, she panicked. But she wants to make sure, so she made a deciding factor. If such menstruation would last the usual 3-4 days duration, then it would be the sign. And she was delighted when she confirmed that it was the sign!

One day, Yosef and Mari agreed to have a movie date. They watched at the theatre and had dinner at a nearby restaurant after. While eating, Mari tried to assess if it would be the right time. She was excited to tell Yosef “yes”, but her problem was “how??”. Alas!! Now, she got an idea how. If Yosef’s going to open the topic, or even say anything in relation to his feelings, that’s the time she’s going to tell him.

On their way home, they were walking along the quiet street when Yosef held her hand. That was the first time he did that. And she knew he was nervous. They were holding hands while walking when Yosef turned his gaze on her and said, “i love you”. Her heart froze as if the things around them had stopped. It was her cue! Then she smiled shyly and replied “i love you too!” in a cute, child-like voice. Then Yosef stopped walking.

“What?!?”, Yosef asked, amazed on what he heard. “Could you say that again? It seems my ears aren’t working well”, he requested.

“i love you sef!!” she said once again, in a much louder voice.

“So..You mean..?!?!” Yosef can’t say the words. He is just so speechless because of happiness.

“I mean..Yes!! It’s Official..”, Mari said with a smile.

“Official..Could you just say it?!?!”, Yosef said pleasingly.

“Okay!! It’s like this. There would no longer be ‘you’ and ‘me’, it would be ‘us’! i love you and you love me and that makes us ‘lovers’!! Get that?!”, Mari said patiently, as if she was explaining to a child.

Overwhelmed and speechless, he let out his happiness by giving Mari a quick hug and he held her hand more tightly. Now that was nice! She felt secured and loved.

That was a date to mark. Mari is No Boyfriend Since Birth no more!! Is this going to be the happily-ever-after ending of Mari’s fairytale?! Or is this the beginning of her real-life love story?!


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