June 8, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 7

Posted by Mia at 7:12 AM

On the latter part of summer, Mari stopped going to places. She either stays at home, or strolls around the city. One morning, her mom woke her up very early in the morning.

“Hey Mari!! Wake up, up, up!!”, her mom called.

“Ummmm…what?!?!”, she moaned, covered her face with a pillow and tried to play asleep.

“Can you pay my bills for me?!? You go to the bank, pay my credit card then you’re off to the coop to update my account! I’ll just leave the money and the bills here! Okay?!”, her mom said, almost shouting so that she could hear clearly as her ears were covered by the pillow.

“Yeah..yeah!”, Mari answered lazily.

“Get up now!! So that you can leave early!!!!”, her mom shouted again.

“Okay!.. okay!!!”, then she opened her eyes and looked blankly at the ceiling. She’s day dreaming again. Then after a few minutes, she turned to her side and murmured, “Hmmmm..I’m wondering what is in store for me today?! I feel like being lucky today, I guess I’d win a lottery jackpot! haha!”. And that funny thought started her day. She took a bath, fixed herself and left the house.

She was walking her way to the bank when she passed by the building where the firm was situated. And seeing the spot where Yosef and herself used to sit down and talk early in the morning, it made her rekindle their little moments together. She let out a deep sigh to conquer the emotions that are slowly coming out from her nerves! And luckily, she was able to control that.

When she arrived at the bank, she saw a familiar figure among the crowd of faces inside the bank. It was Roger and Emon– another friend-slash-ex-boss from the firm.

“Heeey!!!”, Mari greeted.

“Uy!!” Roger and Emon said in chorus.

“How are you?! You seem to be so blooming today!”, Roger said.

“Hah!! Blooming?!? You’re kidding me. Maybe I just had a very good night sleep that’s why I look light today. Haha!”, Mari said.

The three of them chatted as they waited for their number to be called. Then Roger’s number was called. And after making his transaction, it was time for the two guys to bid goodbye. Then again, Mari was left alone. Luckily, her number was called earlier than she expected and that made her stay in the bank shorter. After making her transaction, she checked on the time on her mobile. It’s almost twelve, so she immediately went out of the bank and walk her way to her next destination– the coop.

As she was about to pass by again at the CPV building, a familiar figure made her halt. “Oh my Goodness!! It’s Roger, Emon, Angelo and…Yosef!!”, she silently told herself. As she saw Yosef, cold air again are crawling down her nerves and her heart is doing somersault! “Should I continue walking?! What will I say?! What will I do?! Oh no!!!”, she quietly asked herself as she started panicking. She’s going crazy! But still, she did exactly how a lady manages gawky situations like this; she collected her courage, regained her confidence and took a step forward.

As she met the four guys, she gave them a genuine smile and a simple “Hi”.

She was surprised when Yosef asked, “O, where are you up to?!”.

She was speechless, and all that she uttered is the phrase, “Huh?!? Ummmm.. There!!”, at the same time pointing to the direction where she was heading.

“Ah, okay!”, Yosef said with a smile.

“Sige, I gotta go”, she said nervously. She felt really strange talking to Yosef that moment. She felt as if both of them got a world of their own.

When the four boys arrived at the office, the three started teasing Yosef.

“Naku naman!! Look o, Yosef’s blushing because he saw Mari!”, Roger teased.

“Nah! Stop making fun of me, will you?!?! She’s not even interested in me!”, Yosef said defensively.

Then, everybody else was teasing him in chorus, including the girls. But as usual, Yosef ignored them.

Later that afternoon, Roger’s comic and silly side ignited. As Yosef went to the printing machine to get his print-outs, he told Yosef, “Hey!! Mari texted me, she said she want’s to ask if you got any e-mail ad?!”. It was a prank. There was really no text message from Mari. He’s just doing it to see if Yosef was interested in Mari.

“Huh?! Really?!”, Yosef asked.

“Yeah!! See this!!”, Roger handed his phone to Yosef to let him see the fake text message he made.

“Oh, okay! Then give me her number”, Yosef finally said. Then he went back to his table.

Yosef had a feeling that it was only a prank. He knew Roger too well. But he used that prank to get Mari’s number. He thought that it’s time to give it another try. Another try with another girl. Mari might be a help for him to forget about his feelings for Rhianne.

Before going home, Yosef dropped by got Mari’s number. He knew that there’s something with Mari that interests him. And he knew that if things just go well, both of them might end up with something in the near future.


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