June 15, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 13

Posted by Mia at 11:18 PM

Months had passed and both of them were so happy with the relationship. They shared more than a dozen of beautiful memories together, funny moments and of course, a dozen of kisses. =) Though there are times that they would argue, the conflict are very minimal and tolerable.

It was on the 8th month when Mari suddenly noticed that the way Yosef acts is kinda different. He minimized his communication with her, became too workaholic and worst, he stopped seeing her on their regular dating day. At first, she tried to understand him. She tried to convince herself that her boyfriend’s just too workaholic! Even though she misses him so badly, she tried to stretch out her patience because she loved him that much.

One day, she was so upset when she got a text message from Yosef asking her not to fuss him. “Please, don’t put on some pressure on me. . .I need some time to think. . .I need to find my self”, those were some lines on his message. And being the understanding girl that she was, she allowed things to go his way. She gave him the time and the space that he asked for. Love has, indeed, made her illogical. She got so depressed with their current status. She can’t sleep at night, she can’t eat right and she lost focus on her craft. Good thing, with the help of her friends, she got herself back into track. But still, doubts are often popping out of her mind. She’s wondering what could be the reason for Yosef’s sudden change.

One day, when she was on her way home, a familiar figure caught her attention. When she tried to look closely, she then realized that it was Yosef!! He’s with a petite girl on his vehicle, chatting and laughing with her. Her heart sank down. She’s jealous, she’s mad! She wanted to cry, but she can’t. She doesn’t know where to run to, whom to talk to. She’s so confused with what to do. She ended up teary eyed, letting out a deep sigh to release some of the emotions that are now consuming her up. But then when she arrived home, she immediately went to her room, hid in her closet then cried a pail of tears. She wanted to stop, but she doesn’t know how. The pain strikes up and it causes her so much pain! “I’m so stupid!”, she told herself.

“Should I fight for him?! Or should I let go?!”– these are the questions that played on her mind that night. But then she knew she doesn’t have any options. Either ways, she will only get pain as a return. But despite that fact, she still hopes that Yosef would still come back to her.

Because of such incident, she realized that she needs to grow up! Life must go on and so does herself. Her life is too precious to be wasted crying over Yosef. It may seem so sad that they lost contact, but she can’t do anything about it. There was no closure between them; no official break-up, so to speak. And that makes them, still, “lovers”. Deep in her heart she holds on with hope. But now she’s back to basic. Living her life all alone; virtually, she’s ”happily single”.


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