June 28, 2011

Life After Hours Slideshow

Posted by Mia at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Life After Hours Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Life After Hours Slideshow ★ to Cagayan de Oro. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

An experience of a lifetime.. I never thought I could cross-paths with these people. They're younger than me but they're equally smarter. I just thank God for giving these people to me. Friends for keeps..

June 16, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 14

Posted by Mia at 6:23 PM 0 comments

Mari went on with her life without Yosef around her. She was able to finish college and have her license. These were the most precious and happiest moment in the past two years. But she knew she could be happier if Yosef was with her during those moments. Two years. . .She didn’t know how she survived two years without constant communication with Yosef. There are times when he tried to text her, but she chose to ignore him because she doesn’t want to get hurt and cry anymore. But it wasn’t easy on her part. . it wasn’t really easy.

After she got her license, she went job hunting. Fortunately, CPV and Associates was the first to give her the chance to practice her profession. On her first day, she still can’t believe that her former bosses are now her colleagues!

“Welcome to the club Mari!!”, Julia, the group’s ‘ate’, said heartily.

“Yeah!! Welcome at CPV and Associates!”, said Ella, Aira, Cindy and Leira in chorus.

“Thank You very much guys!!”, Mari replied, addressing her thank you to the rest of the staff.

“Mari, come here, this is going to be your table”, Julia said, leading her to her table for the rest of her stay at the firm. She was surprised because the table that she’s going to use is the same table that Yosef used to occupy! She didn’t know if it’s just co-incidence or they intentionally did that, but she believed it was just co-incidence because these people knew her status with Yosef.

It’s been two years since Yosef tried to ask for a space from Mari. At first, he was thankful for that but then he realized that what he asked for may be too painful for Mari. He took her for granted, yet she gave her what he wanted. He can’t blame her for ignoring his text messages because in the first place, this is all his fault. He started this crap and so he must suffer the consequences. He misses Mari so much, yet he does not know if he’s going to join Mari’s life once again. He’s guilty for causing her so much pain and he does not have the guts to come to her and tell her “Hi, can I be your boyfriend for the second time?!”. Though they didn’t really have that break-up, the silence between them seems to be an implication of a break-up.

The last thing that he heard about her was, she passed the board exam. Anything after that, he knows nothing about her anymore. He was stupid to let her go.

December came and it’s time for christmas parties!! For the first time, the firm had their christmas party at a comedy bar. The place and the performers were exclusively paid to perform for the firm, its staff and their guests. It has been the firm’s tradition to invite former staffs as their guests. And Mari was quite sure that Yosef would be there that night.

Before the party started, she’s now feeling some butterflies in her stomach. She can’t describe the feeling, thinking that she’s going to see Yosef for the first time in a long time. She can’t think logically on what she’s going to do if ever their paths are going to cross tonight.

At six in the evening, the party started, initiated by the hired comediannes. Yosef arrived late, as he planned. By the time that he arrived at the venue, the boys are almost done with their dance number. After the boys, it was the girls’ turn. And when the girls stood up and had their formation at the stage, he was shocked with what he saw. “Is it Mari?!?”, he asked himself mentally. When he tried to look closely, he was able to confirm it. Yes, it’s Mari. And he got so amazed on how gracefully Mari danced her way through-out the performance. That was the first time he saw her dance.

Mari was so nervous when she got up with the other girls on the stage. She didn’t knew if Yosef has arrived already because she didn’t attempted to look at, even a glimpse at the back portion of the place. But on instinct, when the music started, her body naturally moved on her own. She gave out all her best and she did not allow her nervousness to hinder the success of their show!

“Wow!! I never thought, she could perform like that!! And in all fairness, she had matured on how she moves and on how she looks”, he thought. He felt how much he missed Mari. He wanted to hug and kiss her after their performance, to congratulate her for a job well done. But how could he ever do that when they’re not in good terms?! They are so near, yet so far. Now he’s thinking that it’s now time to make a move and try to patch-up things with Mari.

June 15, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 13

Posted by Mia at 11:18 PM 0 comments

Months had passed and both of them were so happy with the relationship. They shared more than a dozen of beautiful memories together, funny moments and of course, a dozen of kisses. =) Though there are times that they would argue, the conflict are very minimal and tolerable.

It was on the 8th month when Mari suddenly noticed that the way Yosef acts is kinda different. He minimized his communication with her, became too workaholic and worst, he stopped seeing her on their regular dating day. At first, she tried to understand him. She tried to convince herself that her boyfriend’s just too workaholic! Even though she misses him so badly, she tried to stretch out her patience because she loved him that much.

One day, she was so upset when she got a text message from Yosef asking her not to fuss him. “Please, don’t put on some pressure on me. . .I need some time to think. . .I need to find my self”, those were some lines on his message. And being the understanding girl that she was, she allowed things to go his way. She gave him the time and the space that he asked for. Love has, indeed, made her illogical. She got so depressed with their current status. She can’t sleep at night, she can’t eat right and she lost focus on her craft. Good thing, with the help of her friends, she got herself back into track. But still, doubts are often popping out of her mind. She’s wondering what could be the reason for Yosef’s sudden change.

One day, when she was on her way home, a familiar figure caught her attention. When she tried to look closely, she then realized that it was Yosef!! He’s with a petite girl on his vehicle, chatting and laughing with her. Her heart sank down. She’s jealous, she’s mad! She wanted to cry, but she can’t. She doesn’t know where to run to, whom to talk to. She’s so confused with what to do. She ended up teary eyed, letting out a deep sigh to release some of the emotions that are now consuming her up. But then when she arrived home, she immediately went to her room, hid in her closet then cried a pail of tears. She wanted to stop, but she doesn’t know how. The pain strikes up and it causes her so much pain! “I’m so stupid!”, she told herself.

“Should I fight for him?! Or should I let go?!”– these are the questions that played on her mind that night. But then she knew she doesn’t have any options. Either ways, she will only get pain as a return. But despite that fact, she still hopes that Yosef would still come back to her.

Because of such incident, she realized that she needs to grow up! Life must go on and so does herself. Her life is too precious to be wasted crying over Yosef. It may seem so sad that they lost contact, but she can’t do anything about it. There was no closure between them; no official break-up, so to speak. And that makes them, still, “lovers”. Deep in her heart she holds on with hope. But now she’s back to basic. Living her life all alone; virtually, she’s ”happily single”.

June 13, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 12

Posted by Mia at 6:34 PM 0 comments

One month had passed and they shared more happy moments together. Both of them were trying to know each other more. . .

Their first monthsary was on a weekend, he had no work and she had no class. Both of them were free to celebrate it. They met up in the mall at five in the afternoon. They planned to watch movie and have dinner. However, Mari was wondering because instead of going to the theatre, Yosef took her to a jewelry shop.

“What are we doing here?!?”, Mari asked with a puzzled face.

Yosef then smiled at her and said, “‘Di ba you said you dreamed of having an eternity ring?! I wanted to give it to you as a gift, but I don’t know your size eh, so I brought you here.”.

“Aaawwwww!!!! How, sweet!”, she secretly and silently told herself. She wanted to hug him right then and there, but she tried to stop herself from doing stupid things in public. “As in?! Yehey!!!”, she reacted demurely.

And so the lady attendant in the shop helped Mari in choosing which among the different designs of eternity rings will she choose. Then she was able to choose a simple but elegant design. She was so happy with his gift, and she didn’t expected it. She believed it was too much.

When they had their dinner, it was her turn to give her gift. At first, she was reluctant to give her gift because her gift’s cost is a long way too cheaper compared to his gift. But then, she humbly gave her gift and said, “Here’s my gift. I..I hope you’ll like it.”. She gave him was a personalized magic mug that she ordered from a specialty store.

When he opened the gift, he wondered what’s so special with that black mug. So he tried to put some light on it, then he saw the hidden image beyond the black covering. He was so amazed with the thing and he truly appreciated it. “Wow!! It’s my favorite picture!!”, he said, referring to the image on the mug. “Thank you!”, he added.

After their dinner, they walked alongside the road to the parking lot. At first they were so silent, feeling each other’s hand. Then Yosef broke the silence. “Mari, can I..Uhmmm..you know!”, he said and then he pouted his lips.

Mari was able to get that! At first, she smiled and then laughed so hard after. She knew he seriously asked for a kiss, but she can’t stop herself from laughing because Yosef’s pouting face got registered in her mind! But she stopped laughing when she saw Yosef’s face turned red. “Okay, later..not here!”, she whispered to Yosef. And that made Yosef happy..veeery happy!!

Yosef then took Mari home. Both of them went inside the house. Mari went to her room while Yosef greeted her parents as a sign of courtesy. When Mari came out from her room, she then went back outside with Yosef. But before Yosef went inside his vehicle, he said, “wait, you forgot something!”, he said and smiled foolishly at Mari. He didn’t waited for her go signal; instead, he gracefully grabbed Mari, placed a finger on her chin, then slowly, his lips went down to hers. He gave her a warm and sensual kiss.

That was their very first kiss. In reality, it only lasted for about 3 to 5 seconds, but for the two of them, it seems that the world was frozen. And it seemed that the kiss lasted for 5 minutes.

Mari, even though surprised with Yosef’s move, did not make any fuss because she was touched with what he did! That was the most kilig thing that ever happened to her. A kissing scene in the middle of the street on a cold and windy night!! She felt like she was in a TV drama. She may sound funny but that was what she really felt that very moment.

After the first kiss, Yosef left happily, leaving Mari with a pahabol, one second smack. He loved the feeling of her lips touching his. It was very awesome!!! And he wished that it would be one of the hundreds of kisses that they are still yet to share. And he’s looking forward to that!

June 12, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 11

Posted by Mia at 5:56 AM 0 comments

Yosef still can’t believe that Mari is now his girlfriend. “Whew! I still can’t believe it..She’s mine now..”, Yosef thought. He just can’t help himself imagining things that he’s not supposed to imagine. Things like having her in his arms for the whole night, kiss her and make her feel that she is loved. And he’s so excited to do that! To do that in God’s perfect time.

Mari is in her bed, it’s almost 2 a.m. in the morning, but she is still awake and energetic. She was happy..very happy, knowing that she now have her first boyfriend. She doesn’t want to sleep because she does not want to end the day. She day dreamed all night until her eyes voluntarily closed.

The next day, first hour in the morning, she opened her laptop and surfed the net. She opened her facebook account and posted, “Somebody’s not single anymore!!..Ngayon lang nag sink in, ang saya!!”. She was too proud to post on her facebook account that she’s not single anymore. Then a dozen comments of congratulations popped out!

“Hoy Mari, is this really is it?!? Hahaha.. Congratulations!..I’m happy for the both of you!”, a message that she received from Ella, her former boss at the firm who became her closest friend among the girls. She knew that Ella was really happy for the two of them because it was Ella who became her confidante when it comes to her lovelife, more specifically with Yosef.

“Yup Ella! This is really is it! Thanks for everything girl!”, Mari replied.

“Now I know why the man here looks very happy and enthusiastic! Ahaha.. He still didn’t know that I know everything about the two of you.”, Ella said.

Knowing from Ella that Yosef is acting happy in the office, she felt that he’s really in love with her. And there would be no reason for her to be scared of getting hurt with Yosef.

A few weeks after, while chatting with Ella on the phone, Yosef’s secret was discovered by Mari. A secret that’s about someone in Yosef’s past.

“Atlast!! He was able to get over with his college love!!”, Ella said.

“College love?! Really?!!” ,Mari surprisingly asked.

“Gosh!! Uh…oh!! My mouth did it again!! Hmmm.. Basta, you better hear it from the horses’ mouth. Try to ask him.”, Ella said in a guilty tone.

With what Ella said, Mari was shocked because Yosef kept a secret from her. And she would appreciate that if he’ll try to open up things like that with her. So she tried to ask Yosef about it. “You were in love with another girl before, right?!”, Mari started the topic.

“Huh?!?!”, Yosef was shocked with the question. He wondered who the hell told Mari about the stories of his past. He intentionally tried to avoid talking about it with Mari because she might compare herself with the girl. She wanted to protect Mari from any issues in his past. But since she asked about it, might as well be honest about her and tell her everything. “Uhmmm yeah.. I courted someone before.”, he answered her query.

“Way back in college?!”, she asked again.

“Both in college and after college. Same girl”, Yosef said.

“Wow!! She’s one lucky girl!! So, could you tell me what happened? Why didn’t the two of you ended up together?”, she asked in a very curious tone.

“I think she’s not interested in me. I tried to ask her twice, but then, she didn’t say anything. She left out of the country and my feelings for her eventually disappeared.”, Yosef explained.

“Oh! I see.”, Mari reacted and stopped asking. She kept silent and looked afar.

Yosef looked closely at Mari and saw that worry in her eyes. “Hey!! Are you okay?!”, he asked Mari and at the same time, he pulled her closer to him so that he could easily wrap his arms around her waist. “Don’t think about that girl anymore, okay?! She’s someone in my past. You are my present, so no need to worry about that! If you think I’m making you as panakip-butas, then take it from me, you are not!!” Then he kissed her hair and hugged her tight from the back.

With his words and his gesture, Mari was quite assured that Yosef’s past will remain as something in the past. And she’s glad with his honesty. But still, Mari wondered, “is there anything else that Yosef is keeping from me?!”, this question kept on coming back in her mind that night. However, she knew that slowly, she could make Yosef reveal all his secrets to her.

June 11, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 10

Posted by Mia at 8:26 AM 0 comments

“I think I’m falling.. I would want to be your man.. Think about it… Just tell me when you’re ready..”. Yosef’s words keep haunting Mari that night. She’s confused if she would give it a try with him or not. Then she fell asleep with those words in her mind. When she woke up the next morning, she was surprised to receive a text from Yosef that says, “Good Morning!! Have a nice day! Tc.. i love you!”. And that made her day!! She went to school with a light and happy feeling. And so with the following days. Receiving “i love you’s” from Yosef day and night made Mari “bloom”. Along with her blooming image is her blooming feelings for Yosef. She can’t identify which day was that when she admitted to herself that she’s totally in love with Yosef. And it’s a different kind of love. A love that’s much greater than what she felt for John.
The difference between the two is her answer when she tried to ask herself with the question, “Are you willing to accept the person, both his positive and negative traits?” With John, she doubt if she can because he’s perfect in her eyes. It would be so disappointing for her if John could commit any “conduct unbecoming”. But with Yosef, she can be sure that her answer is a big YES!

She was really in a state of dilemma as of the moment. And she knows where to run if such situations arise, in God’s abode. She went to church that afternoon to ask for healing and blessing. She asked for her illness’ healing and she asked for enlightenment to make the right decision. “Father, I humbly ask for your guidance and healing. Please give me a sign for my decision. If Yosef is meant for me, yet you won’t heal this affliction in me, then I pray that may you give him another girl that would cause him more happiness. . .”. Those were part of her prayers. She asked that if she will be healed, then she would say YES, but if not, better let Yosef go. She knew what she asked for was something stupid! But she was desperate at the moment. And whatever the result is, she is willing to accept that.

After exactly one week, she woke up with stomach cramps. It’s been almost two years since the last time she felt that. Still sleepy, she went to the comfort room to pee. But her sleepiness went astray when she saw a reddish liquid on her underwear! It’s blood!!! And if there is blood, it only means that she’s got menstruation! She is healed! ”Oh my God! Oh my God!! Is this the sign?!”, she panicked. But she wants to make sure, so she made a deciding factor. If such menstruation would last the usual 3-4 days duration, then it would be the sign. And she was delighted when she confirmed that it was the sign!

One day, Yosef and Mari agreed to have a movie date. They watched at the theatre and had dinner at a nearby restaurant after. While eating, Mari tried to assess if it would be the right time. She was excited to tell Yosef “yes”, but her problem was “how??”. Alas!! Now, she got an idea how. If Yosef’s going to open the topic, or even say anything in relation to his feelings, that’s the time she’s going to tell him.

On their way home, they were walking along the quiet street when Yosef held her hand. That was the first time he did that. And she knew he was nervous. They were holding hands while walking when Yosef turned his gaze on her and said, “i love you”. Her heart froze as if the things around them had stopped. It was her cue! Then she smiled shyly and replied “i love you too!” in a cute, child-like voice. Then Yosef stopped walking.

“What?!?”, Yosef asked, amazed on what he heard. “Could you say that again? It seems my ears aren’t working well”, he requested.

“i love you sef!!” she said once again, in a much louder voice.

“So..You mean..?!?!” Yosef can’t say the words. He is just so speechless because of happiness.

“I mean..Yes!! It’s Official..”, Mari said with a smile.

“Official..Could you just say it?!?!”, Yosef said pleasingly.

“Okay!! It’s like this. There would no longer be ‘you’ and ‘me’, it would be ‘us’! i love you and you love me and that makes us ‘lovers’!! Get that?!”, Mari said patiently, as if she was explaining to a child.

Overwhelmed and speechless, he let out his happiness by giving Mari a quick hug and he held her hand more tightly. Now that was nice! She felt secured and loved.

That was a date to mark. Mari is No Boyfriend Since Birth no more!! Is this going to be the happily-ever-after ending of Mari’s fairytale?! Or is this the beginning of her real-life love story?!

June 9, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 9

Posted by Mia at 6:44 PM 0 comments

The past few days made Mari very happy. Happy because of the constant communication between her and Yosef. It was fun exchanging ideas with someone like Yosef. His thoughts are matured, logical and full of sense. For Mari, his maturity was contagious! She learns a lot from him, but she had no idea if Yosef had learned anything from her.

Yosef also felt happy for the past days. Inspired, to be more exact. His love for music came back to life. His guitar, which has long been dumped, is back in service. Everynight, he would try to make his own composition for Mari.

For about a month, they communicated thru mobile phones, E-mails and Instant Messages (IMs). Until such time Yosef made an offer. “Have you ever been to Cafe Austriano?! I heard they serve good food.?!”, he told Mari through an IM one morning.

“I’ve been there before. But that was sooo long ago! When I was in elementary, I guess! haha! “, she frankly told Yosef.

“Oh, I see..Uhmmm.. If you’d allow me, I.. I would like to..ummm.. take you out for a date! That’s if.. if.. it’s okay with you.”, he asked politely.

“Huh?! A date?!?.. When would that probably be?!”, she asked, to make sure if he’s really serious of what he’s saying.

“Depends on your availability! I’ll leave to you the decision.”, Yosef answered.

“Okay, maybe we could set that on the 16th.”, she immediately said, so that Yosef will no longer have any chance to back-out.

“Okay! See you then!”, Yosef said.

And so their first date was materialized as it was planned. They met up at Cafe Austriano at Six in the evening, on the agreed date. While waiting for their orders to be served, Yosef tried to open a topic because Mari seems to be so quiet and shy. She was not the person who gladly opens up with him when they text.

“So, how’s school??”, he asked.

“Urgh!! My sked is not so good!! I hate it.. I have to go home very late! haha..”, she said.

“But why’s that?!”, Yosef asked as if he’s so interested.

“Our prof’s a part-timer. She’s only available after 5pm”, again, she answered.

“Oh..’part-time lovers..’ haha”..he commented.

While they were eating, it’s time for Mari to ask the question that’s bothering her for a long time. “You said you’re going to resign..Where.. are you going to work after?!”,she asked nervously.

“I might go to Manila..great job opportunities are there!!”, he said in a very serious tone.

Mari got speechless and found her food so difficult to swallow. But still she swallowed hard so it wouldn’t cause her to choke. Unintentionally, she gave out a shocked but sad reaction. And Yosef was able to get that! Yosef smiled and asked her, “Why?! Are you going to miss me?”

Mari let out a sigh, smiled shyly at Yosef and avoided his gaze. She wanted to say yes because that’s the truth, but she’s too proud to admit it! She knew she was falling but she doesn’t want to cry again when it’s time for Yosef to leave for Manila.

Both of them enjoyed the date! The night couldn’t have been better! It was Mari’s very first date in her entire lifetime and she was happy because it went well. It was “Superb”!

After the first formal date, couple of dates followed. Movie dates, lunch dates and simply hanging out together at the mall. They were like long lost friends.

Sad by the fact that Yosef will be leaving soon, Mari swore to herself that she is going to cherish and make the most out of the time that Yosef is spending with her. They shared more personal ideas and laughed hard when they crack jokes at each other.

Yosef admits that he has a budding feeling for Mari, but as the days passed by and the more he spends time with her, his feeling grew deeper and deeper. That was the time he realized that he is giving up with Rhianne. However, even though he wanted to pursue Mari, he doesn’t want to disturb the girl with her studies. He plans to wait for her until she graduates.

One time when they were dating, Yosef took the courage to tell Mari, “You know what, I think I’m falling..”, he said nervously.

Surprised, Mari reacted, “Huh?! Falling?! To whom?!”, she asked as if she doesn’t know that it’s her that Yosef was referring to.

“To you!!”, Yosef said frankly and let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh really?!?! Hahahahaha..”, she said and laughed!

“I’m not joking!! I’m serious..”, Yosef said. And with Mari’s reaction, which seems that she doesn’t believe what he said, he decided to counter his plans. He is going to ask Mari to be his girlfriend! “Okay, okay! Can I be the one?!” With his question, he was able to stop Mari from laughing.

“What?!?!”, Mari asked again.

“I said..if it’s okay with you..I would want to be your man..”, Yosef said, laying it all to her.

“It’s like you’re asking me if, ‘pwede ikaw nalang?’”, she asked again.

“Yup!”, Yosef enthusiastically answered.

“But why it’s “nalang”? And not, ask a firm ‘pwede ako na?’”, she jokingly asked.

Then he answered seriously, “Because you might have another option! There might be some other guy that you find better than me”.

With that, Mari then said in a serious tone, “No.. you’re the only option I have..”.

Then there was silence. After a few minutes, Yosef broke the silence by saying, “Think about it..Just tell me when you’re ready”. And gave Mari his most beautiful smile.

June 8, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 8

Posted by Mia at 7:49 PM 0 comments

Mari was strollin’ at the mall that night, it was about 6:30 in the evening, when her mobile phone rang. It was a text message from Roger. And his message was, “Hi!! Gud eve.. I gave your number to Sir Yosef, he asked for it kasi eh!”.

Surprised with the message, Mari immediately replied, “Serious?!?! But why?! Why would he want to get my number?!”. She doesn’t want to believe Roger because she knew the guy!! Roger’s full of humor and he can’t be serious with things!

Her phone rang again containing another message from Roger that says, “Ewan! Maybe for a souvenir?! Joke! Basta, he asked for it, so I gave him what he asked for! Replyan mo nalang kasi if he’ll text you!”

Still doubting if what Roger said was true or not, she tried to ignore the thought and continued strolling as if no conversation between Roger and herself happened. But she can’t understand the upside-down feeling that she’s experiencing whenever she remembers Roger’s text. Part of her wishes that it was a joke and another part of her hopes that it was true.

It was around 8:30 in the evening, she was already in her bed, reading a pocket book that she bought at the mall earlier. Then her phone beeped. When she tried to take a glimpse on the phone’s screen, her heart jumped when she saw that the message was from an unknown number. She closed her eyes and said, “Oh my goodness” in a low voice. Her instinct tells her that it was Yosef. When she opened her eyes again, she confirmed that she wasn’t dreaming. Her fingers can’t move and her heart was beating so fast. After 5 minutes, she regained her courage and opened the text message.

The text message said, “Halu Mari, Yosef here..I got your number from Roger, is it okay with you?!”.

Her instincts were right. And a problem came into the picture. How the heck would she reply with his message?! Thinking that, good heavens, she’s going to reply to a former “boss”, she better watch her words. After almost ten minutes, she was able to form a reply. “Hi sir! How are you?! Yup, it’s fine with me. No problem with that!”, that was her reply, casual and not too formal.

“Hah! Would you drop the ’sir’?! It’s seems like you’re talking to a professor! Just call me Yosef or Sef, for short. Anyway, I’m fine. How about you?!”, Yosef replied, wanting to drop the superior-subordinate gap between them.

“Oh, okay! Sef.. I’m fine Sef.. enjoying the last days of summer! hehe…”, she replied, and she’s starting to become comfortable chatting with him again. Especially now that they are calling each other on a first name basis!

They exchanged texts for an hour or so. They talked about everything that they could talk about. Mostly, each other’s personal information. It’s like the other one is trying to get to know the other person. And in Mari’s perspective, it seems that Yosef is trying to please her. It was almost ten when they both said goodnight to each other.

Mari still can’t believe that it was Yosef who texted her. She felt like she was dreaming because for someone like her, he was like a distant star that she would never ever reach. But when everything sinked in, she smiled, stood up on her bed and jumped..and jumped.. and jumped, while trying to avoid any noise!! She was happy that Yosef spared some of his time to text with her. She can’t say that she’s in love with Yosef because it’s to early to say that! It’s more like of a crush that’s combined with longing. Definitely, she’s feeling and acting like a child again.

After the “goodnight text”, Yosef could not also believe what he did and what he said to Mari. It was the first time that he said some sugar-coated “hirit” to a girl. And he believes that his words were effective. He doesn’t know why, but deep inside him, he wanted to please Mari. He wants to get to know her and he wants her to get to know him. Despite her youth, she knows how to carry herself well. He knew she was someone who does not deserve to be fooled. She’s a lady that any man would want to bring home to their mom. And now he’s about to do something he did not planned.:)


Posted by Mia at 7:47 PM 0 comments

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 7

Posted by Mia at 7:12 AM 0 comments

On the latter part of summer, Mari stopped going to places. She either stays at home, or strolls around the city. One morning, her mom woke her up very early in the morning.

“Hey Mari!! Wake up, up, up!!”, her mom called.

“Ummmm…what?!?!”, she moaned, covered her face with a pillow and tried to play asleep.

“Can you pay my bills for me?!? You go to the bank, pay my credit card then you’re off to the coop to update my account! I’ll just leave the money and the bills here! Okay?!”, her mom said, almost shouting so that she could hear clearly as her ears were covered by the pillow.

“Yeah..yeah!”, Mari answered lazily.

“Get up now!! So that you can leave early!!!!”, her mom shouted again.

“Okay!.. okay!!!”, then she opened her eyes and looked blankly at the ceiling. She’s day dreaming again. Then after a few minutes, she turned to her side and murmured, “Hmmmm..I’m wondering what is in store for me today?! I feel like being lucky today, I guess I’d win a lottery jackpot! haha!”. And that funny thought started her day. She took a bath, fixed herself and left the house.

She was walking her way to the bank when she passed by the building where the firm was situated. And seeing the spot where Yosef and herself used to sit down and talk early in the morning, it made her rekindle their little moments together. She let out a deep sigh to conquer the emotions that are slowly coming out from her nerves! And luckily, she was able to control that.

When she arrived at the bank, she saw a familiar figure among the crowd of faces inside the bank. It was Roger and Emon– another friend-slash-ex-boss from the firm.

“Heeey!!!”, Mari greeted.

“Uy!!” Roger and Emon said in chorus.

“How are you?! You seem to be so blooming today!”, Roger said.

“Hah!! Blooming?!? You’re kidding me. Maybe I just had a very good night sleep that’s why I look light today. Haha!”, Mari said.

The three of them chatted as they waited for their number to be called. Then Roger’s number was called. And after making his transaction, it was time for the two guys to bid goodbye. Then again, Mari was left alone. Luckily, her number was called earlier than she expected and that made her stay in the bank shorter. After making her transaction, she checked on the time on her mobile. It’s almost twelve, so she immediately went out of the bank and walk her way to her next destination– the coop.

As she was about to pass by again at the CPV building, a familiar figure made her halt. “Oh my Goodness!! It’s Roger, Emon, Angelo and…Yosef!!”, she silently told herself. As she saw Yosef, cold air again are crawling down her nerves and her heart is doing somersault! “Should I continue walking?! What will I say?! What will I do?! Oh no!!!”, she quietly asked herself as she started panicking. She’s going crazy! But still, she did exactly how a lady manages gawky situations like this; she collected her courage, regained her confidence and took a step forward.

As she met the four guys, she gave them a genuine smile and a simple “Hi”.

She was surprised when Yosef asked, “O, where are you up to?!”.

She was speechless, and all that she uttered is the phrase, “Huh?!? Ummmm.. There!!”, at the same time pointing to the direction where she was heading.

“Ah, okay!”, Yosef said with a smile.

“Sige, I gotta go”, she said nervously. She felt really strange talking to Yosef that moment. She felt as if both of them got a world of their own.

When the four boys arrived at the office, the three started teasing Yosef.

“Naku naman!! Look o, Yosef’s blushing because he saw Mari!”, Roger teased.

“Nah! Stop making fun of me, will you?!?! She’s not even interested in me!”, Yosef said defensively.

Then, everybody else was teasing him in chorus, including the girls. But as usual, Yosef ignored them.

Later that afternoon, Roger’s comic and silly side ignited. As Yosef went to the printing machine to get his print-outs, he told Yosef, “Hey!! Mari texted me, she said she want’s to ask if you got any e-mail ad?!”. It was a prank. There was really no text message from Mari. He’s just doing it to see if Yosef was interested in Mari.

“Huh?! Really?!”, Yosef asked.

“Yeah!! See this!!”, Roger handed his phone to Yosef to let him see the fake text message he made.

“Oh, okay! Then give me her number”, Yosef finally said. Then he went back to his table.

Yosef had a feeling that it was only a prank. He knew Roger too well. But he used that prank to get Mari’s number. He thought that it’s time to give it another try. Another try with another girl. Mari might be a help for him to forget about his feelings for Rhianne.

Before going home, Yosef dropped by got Mari’s number. He knew that there’s something with Mari that interests him. And he knew that if things just go well, both of them might end up with something in the near future.

June 6, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 6

Posted by Mia at 5:56 PM 0 comments

Days passed by so quickly. It seems that it was just yesterday when the trainees started their OJT and Mari can’t believe that today would be their last day in the firm. She just can’t understand herself why does she get so emotional with that fact. “I’m going to miss this office and these people”, she thought, referring to her “trainors” who are so kind to her. In a short span of time, these young professionals became her friends. That’s why it’s hard for her to leave them. But that’s how life goes..everything comes to an end!

The trainees are already gone in the office and Yosef didn’t mind as he always does. He was working on his table when his bubbly officemate, Ron, approached and fuzzed him.

“Pre, who among the trainees do you like?!”, Ron asked in a low voice and with a silly smile.

“Ha?! Umm.. Wala!! None of them”, Yosef defensively answered.

“Woooo!! You know you can’t fool me! C’mon! Tell me! I promise, this would be a secret between the two of us”, Ron said, trying to convince Yosef to tell him.

“Hah!! As if I could trust you!”, Yosef thought. But then he said, “okay, okay! I like the thin one!”, so as to shut Ron off.

“Mari?!? Oh, you like Mari?! Ahahaha…Si Mari pala ah!”, Ron said in a teasing manner. Then he left Yosef alone.

Yosef thought that Ron was already done teasing. To his surprise, almost all of his male colleagues and some of the girls are teasing him with Mari! Led by Ron and Dennis, all the others are making fun of him! “Grrrrrr… Ron talaga!!!”, he thought while trying to hold his temper. Then he realized that it would make no sense if he’ll burst out his temper because the damage has been done. And so he chose to be silent and ignored his officemates.

Mari, although sad, tried to cheer herself up because summer time would be a waste if she’ll just stay in her room and let her sadness consume her up! She went to different places and visited a lot of resorts. She really enjoyed the days after the OJT. However, a part of her thinks she’s going nuts because there are times that her subconscious voluntarily does the morning routine that she usually does during the time that she’s on training.

One morning, Mari woke up and jumped off her bed. “Oh my God!! What time is it?!? What time is it?! 7:30!! Oh no! I’m going to be late!!!”, she panicked. “Wait.. I’m done with my OJT! Why am I acting this way?!”, she thought. Then she mentally counted, “One…Two…Three!…”. “Ay naku! Wala na.. I guess this is it.. I know what I’m missing now.”, she said, followed by a deep sigh. That was the time when she admitted to herself that other than the friends that she’s missing in the firm, what she missed most was her morning chit-chat session with Yosef. “Oh no!!.. I hate this!”, she said further. Then she laid back on her bed, deeply thinking on what she’s going to do. She’s now longing for the next time that she’s going to see and have that talk with Yosef. She doesn’t really have any idea on what’s going on with her. And she thinks she’s going crazy as she starts dreaming about him.

She wants to stop this craziness in her but she doesn’t know how! She doesn’t want to dream about Yosef anymore not because she had something against the guy, but because she knew that such dream would never ever come true!! For her, it would be too impossible for Yosef to like someone like her!! And what’s more is that she’s scared. She had just recovered from her first broken heart and she does not want to entertain feelings like infatuation or the like, yet. Not yet..not now.

June 4, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 5

Posted by Mia at 5:22 AM 0 comments

The days after the teasing incident had been so bothering for Yosef. He doesn’t know why, but the memories of his close encounter with Mari seems to keep on repeating on his mind. And that woke up his curiousity towards Mari.

One morning, when both of them arrived early again, he tried to open up a conversation with her while waiting for the office to be opened. “You know how to sing right?!”, he asked.

Surprised on the question, Mari answered back by asking, “Who told you, sir?!”.

“Si Roger!”, he said, referring to the IT staff that’s close to Mari.

“Ah, Ok.. Not really! Hehe..”, she humbly said.

“Do you have a band?!”, he asked again.

“Nope! I do solo..hehe.. I usually sing on weddings only.”, she said without any discomfort, knowing that she was talking to Yosef. Now, she’s wondering where the hell did her guts, to talk to Yosef like that, came from.

“Oh, I see.. So, if you’re getting married, would you still sing on your wedding?! Haha!”, he asked sarcastically.

“hah! That’s the question that I can’t answer as of the moment, sir!”, she answered with a little laugh. She can’t believe he could ask a stupid question like that!

Then, silence followed. As neither of them dared to open up any topic, Yosef took the time to steal a glimpse on Mari. “Her lips are not red..hmm..but her eyes, it smiles when she laughs! Her skin is nicely tanned and her hair is the best asset she had”, he secretly thought.

And that was the first and the last encounter that they had during the day.

The following day, everyone was so busy because all was beating a deadline, including the trainees. Yosef was called to go to their big boss’ office because he had to explain something. After clarifying everything with his boss, he immediately went out from the little office. As he opened the door, he was surprised as a tall lady in white skirt passed by in front of him. At first, he wasn’t able to identify who that girl was. And by instinct, his eyes followed the lady. It was only then, he realized that the lady in white skirt was Mari. He was surprised and amazed with what he saw. He never thought that Mari could be so gorgeous in skirt! Fragile, demure but confident! That was how he could describe Mari. And that really turned him on.

From that point on, he realized that there is something that’s interesting in Mari. Something interesting that’s worthy to be discovered. However, a part of him wants to hold back. And that is his feeling for Rhianne. Now, he’s starting to doubt if he’ll still fight for that feeling or just let it slip away and find another girl. He thought thoroughly about it. It took him days to discern about that. And he is about to make a decision, a decision that would last a lifetime.

June 3, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 4

Posted by Mia at 5:47 AM 0 comments

One busy day, when everyone else was busy with their work, it was only Mari who was left out among the trainees who had no task. She was sitting in front of the table when she almost dropped from her seat as she heard a familiar voice calling, “Mari?!”. She turned to the voice’s direction and she got stunned when she saw that it was Yosef who was calling her name. She didn’t know what to do and she felt like her heart turned into bass drums as it beats so fast!

“Sir?!”, she asked for some confirmation from him.

“Mari, right?!”, he asked again.

“Yes sir!”, she answered casually, covering up the undescribable feeling she had inside her.

“Aren’t you doing anything?! Because I need you to help me with these..”, he said.

“Sure sir!”, she replied. She then quickly stood up and walked towards him. She listened to his instructions carefully and then she obediently followed him. She did the task as fast and as accurate as she could, so that she could give Yosef a positive first impression. She doesn’t know why, she just felt that she’s obliged to build a good working rapport with him.

After she finished working on the task, she went back to Yosef to explain the discrepancies she found on the figures.

Dennis, his colleague, then passed by beside them and teased, “Sus! Style..”.

Yosef, upon hearing Dennis, turned to him and gave him a small laugh.

Mari also heared Dennis but she ignored it. However, something urged her to see Yosef’s reaction. She did that by looking at his face. When he turned back his face towards her, she saw that he was smiling. That was the first time that she saw him smile. Then a thought came to her, “Wow! He knows how to smile! And he’s cute when he smiles, infairness!!. . .Wait?! Cute?! No!!!!! Why am I thinking this way?!?! This could not be!!! Noooo!!! ERASE! ERASE! ERASE!!!!”.

She really didn’t know how those thoughts crossed her mind. But she knew that she needs to get herself guarded because she might have a crush on her boss!! And that would be a big NO, NO for her!!! As in NO way!!!

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 3

Posted by Mia at 5:40 AM 0 comments

Triggered by her broken-heart and her search for “the one”, Mari decided to loose weight and get in shape. Diet 101 was her drama. She thought that nobody would like her if she retains her flabby bod! She started eating healthy and changed her lifestyle, but things got only worst when she became too conscious. And because of that, instead of becoming in shape, she got Secondary Amenorrhea and got thinner.. and thinner.. and thinner.

For Yosef, he got so consumed with his work. He got so consumed, but his love for Rhianne is still within him. With Rhianne working in another City, Yosef still finds time to continue pursuing her. However, Rhianne is playing hard-to-get, and that spoiled up Yosef’s enthusiasm. He’s starting to lose hope and entertained thoughts of finding another girl. But at the back of his mind, he would like to give it a last shot with Rhianne.

On her senior year in college, Mari was obliged to go through an apprenticeship. And with the help of her classmate, Mae, she got accepted at CPV and Associates- a budding audit firm. At first she was scared, but when she started working, she was glad because her “bosses” were so welcoming and kind to her, except for one named Yosef. The first time she saw him, she thought: ”He’s cute! Sayang lang, medjo nerdy!” . Whenever Yosef comes around, cold air quickly gyrates down her nerves. And as much as possible, she doesn’t want to have any close encounter with him. She knows it’s inevitable, but she’s trying hard to avoid him.

Not until one time when both of them arrived so early in the morning. She had no choice but to greet him with a sweet “Good Morning Sir”, with matching smile on her face as a sign of courtesy.

“Hi! Good Morning”, he replied with a little fake smile. Then silence followed. After a few minutes of silence, Yosef tried to break the silence by asking, “are you really required to do some On-the-Job Training?”.

“Yes sir, it’s part of the curriculum”, Mari answered the query.

“Ah, okay. I just wondered because we don’t have that in our school”, Yosef commented.

“Really sir?! Maybe because your school is a university and mine is not! Hehe!”, Mari reasoned out once again.

Then came Mae, breaking up the conversation between Yosef and Mari. After Mae’s arrival, neither of them attempted to open another conversation again. Then, Mari felt that Yosef was irritated with their presence in the office. But she didn’t care because she knew her very reason to be in that office is to become an apprentice and not to please Yosef.

Because of that encounter, Mari got more conscious in the office, especially when Yosef is around. She tried her best to do the things she is asked to do so that her working relationship with her other bosses would be good. But as to Yosef?! She does not care!

June 2, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 2

Posted by Mia at 6:46 AM 0 comments

On the other part of the city was Mari- a chubby, flabby, happy-go-lucky missy that’s proud to be NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth)! Her friends used to tease her that she’s the only one among the group who doesn’t have any suitor, or even a single admirer! But she didn’t care because she believes that: “Bahala’g last trip, basta front seat”! She’s very choosy when it comes to boys because she has a very mature but very ideal thoughts when it comes to engaging into a relationship. As much as possible, she wants the first to be the last! Having a group of friends who cares a lot, a family with a strong bond and a dozen of crushes are the reason why Mari remains to be happily single.

It was on her 18th birthday when she met John, a cadet from Baguio. John was a well-bred man. He possessed the ideal personality that Mari looks for in a guy. Sweet, thoughtful and mature thinking. But physically, he’s the opposite!! For Mari was looking for the tall, fair-skinned and chinky-eyed type of guy! (haha..). At first it was just a crush, then it bloomed to a young puppy love. That was the first time she “fell in love”; hence, the first time she felt and heard her heart beat towards a guy!

John befriended Mari and made attempts to get close. His moves made her think that he likes her. She waited for the guy to make a move for them to get closer, but unfortunately, he did nothing. Days passed and John went back to Baguio. Mari kept her feelings for John on her own, she studied so hard and made that feeling her inspiration. Until one day, she got a text message from a friend telling her that John is already committed to another girl, who also happens to be a friend. That was Mari’s first “broken heart”.

For two years, she prayed for her to get over from such feeling. And God answered her prayers. She was able to get over with John when she reached 20. She thought it’s time for her to think mature and go searching for “the one”. Again, she did the searching through prayers. Her usual lines when praying was: “Lord, please give me the one..the one who could love me for the rest of my life”. She was really traumatized by her first broken-heart and she does not want to experience pain anymore. By faith, she believed that God is going to give her what she’s asking for because she thought she deserves to be loved. But the question of “when” is something that Mari does not know..

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