December 29, 2010


Posted by Mia at 5:36 PM

I do not know if this pastry shop is known in the international market, all I knew is that this pastry shop sells oh-so-delicious food at “oh-so-international prices”. Haha.. But no matter how expensive their products are, it surely did capture the hearts and taste of the Kagay-anons!!
It all started from a little stall at the mall, where people—most especially children, are buzzing around their stall to have a free taste with their gelato! Yup, they let people have a taste with their Italian ice cream, absolutely for FREE!!! I was even one of those people at one point! Hahaha.. Of course, I can argue with that, I'm still a kid at heart!! 
Now, aside from their little stall inside the mall, Missy Bon Bon has now expanded their capabilities in reaching the hearts of Kagay-anons. A new Missy Bon Bon pastry shop was opened two months ago around the vicinity of Limketkai Arcade here in Cagayan de Oro. And despite of their “quite expensive” breads and gelato, still, a lot of people dine at Missy Bon Bon.
So many times, I am so tempted to get inside their shop to see and taste what they had to offer! However, I am reluctant to get inside because I might go home, broke, with a centavo left on my wallet! Haha.. I swear one of these days, I would be sitting there, inside their cozy place and munch on with my favourite Cookies and Cream Gelato! Yum!!! Can’t wait for such day to come! 


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