December 28, 2010

The Gift of Love

Posted by Mia at 7:21 AM

"Love is Blind"

The phrase used to be nothing but a cliche to me. But everything made sense when I saw a couple just this evening-- both of them were blind. I saw them walking in the streets of DV Soria, just the two of them, without any assistance from anyone who has a gift of sight.

After seeing the both of them walking hand-in-hand with only a white cane to guide them, my initial reaction was: "they are pitiful".. that they are into an unfortunate situation; and for a moment, it broke my heart. :-(

But as they passed by me calmly, acting as if they are just like any other ordinary individuals, I've learned to see things on a different perspective. I was able to see their situation on the "lighter" side.

I went my way home with the blind couple on my mind. Then I realized that they are the best example of a couple who are truly in love. One who loves unconditionally. One who loves beyond physical imperfection. It's nice, isn't it?! Just imagine, you give your love and trust to someone you don't see. And the baby on the woman's tummy is a proof of that love.

I used to think that each of us is loved based on our face value. That it's hopeless for people to love without taking into consideration the physical aspect of a person. But I guess I was wrong.

In one way or another, I envy them. It seems that they are more fortunate than I am. They're rich and generous enough to give that much love and trust to one another.

Ako kaya?! When will I be able to give that kind of trust?! When will I receive that kind of love?! Hmmm..

I'm happy to know that there are people like them who teaches me lessons in life. They might be "burdens" for some because they call them "DISABLED". But for me, they are God's instrument to teach narrow-minded people like me. I might be physically fortunate than them but nevertheless, they are also fortunate in another way than I am!


Mia on December 28, 2010 at 8:35 AM said...
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