May 31, 2011

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Chapter 1

Posted by Mia at 8:55 AM 0 comments

Meet Yosef, the skinny guitar genius that one of the prestegious university in the country has. He is the serious type of guy that no girl would attempt to crack a joke at. He was known to be a loner. But he also has his own group of friends who cracks joke with him, drinks all night with him and most of all, plays music with him. He was a guy with a passion for music.

He was on his senior year in college when he fell in love with Rhianne, his classmate. He got really in love with her to the point that he tried to court her. He conquered his fear and laid down his intentions, but unfortunately, he dumped her! With his sincere heart, he knew it was not the end of the world. He kept his feelings on his own, studied so hard and used that feeling as an inspiration.

After college graduation and getting his license, he was accepted as a junior staff in a firm. He changed a lot after college. Physically, he gained weight and had an average body built. He was not the skinny guy that plays the guitar on stage anymore. He is now a young professional who’s starting to make a mark in the corporate world. He gained more confidence and self-esteem knowing that he already earns his own money. And with that, he believed it was time to pursue Rhianne for the second time around.

He gave her flowers, chocolates and other stuffs. He brought her out to a date and even indulged her invitation for a family dinner on a new year’s eve. He laid down his intention again for the girl, but he got no positive answer whatsoever. With an optimistic mindset, he didn’t consider her silence as an implied NO! His love for Rhianne is like a fire that’s burning. He does not lose hope and he’s willing to continue courting her until he hears her sweet “yes”.

"Captured by a White Skirt" (The Story of Yosef and Mari) - Writer's Note

Posted by Mia at 8:35 AM 0 comments

Who would thought that two distant stars can fall right into place?! How?! Read further as I unfold the story of two opposite people who, during an unexpected time, met and fell in love with each other. Will their love survive and conquer all odds?! hmmm.. It’s for me to know and you to find out!

I would like to dedicate this story to someone who inspires me a lot. The idea of the whole thing is inspired by you. I hope you could take time to read this Chapter by Chapter.

I would also like to thank my Family, my Friends (esp. those who are real friends that gives me advices and who are with me during tough times). And above all, I thank God for giving me the ability to create something like this and for giving Yosef to Mari..:)

Happy Reading everyone!!!

~The Author~

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